Sunday, September 6, 2015

Thank you, God!

This past week I had to do a project for my Georgia history class.  Basically, we had to find 5 representatives of these three categories: flora, fauna, and natural resources of Georgia.  We were required to have 5 pictures of each category, neatly labeled.

Searching for pictures of native Georgia flora and fauna for this project made me realize what pretty animals and flowers we have here.  Take a look at these cherry blossom trees.  People travel to see them at a festival in Macon every year!  It's a bunch of people admiring God's creation of the cherry tree- I love that!
Aren't those trees just gorgeous

God made everything on Earth for a purpose.  He worked hard to create a pretty place for us to live as well as a place where everything on it works together for a greater good.

 Job 12:7-10 "But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind."

Everything natural you see around you was made by the One above.  God didn't make sunsets for us to enjoy or flowers to make our houses smell good.  Nothing God made is for us.  It's all for God.  All the animals, the trees, even the rocks know that God made them, just like the verse above says.  They were made to glorify God and to praise Him when those made in God's image (us) don't. 

When I was at the beach with my best friend, we saw so many beautiful sunsets that just made me feel so much closer to God.  Come on… sunset, beach, ocean… the list of God's artwork at that place could go on and on.  Isn't a God who can paint something like this in the sky worth praising?

I don't know where you are right now or when you are reading this.  But, whatever you're doing, stop and take a minute to walk outside.  Look around you and thank God for what you see that He has made.  Just praise Him and thank Him with the words you speak.  

You may say, "I'm a terrible speaker" or "I don't know how to pray" or "God doesn't care what I have to say to Him."  Ummm YES He does care!!!  The Bible says that the praises we offer up to God are like a sweet fragrance to Him.  Give God that sweet fragrance this week!  He doesn't care if you have a great voice or whether or not you know how to pray!  

Just give Him what you have (your heart) and He will be very pleased.  Whatever you do this week, remember that God loves you no matter what!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to take more beautiful pictures of God's creation at the beach with you next year!!
