Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Are Video Games the Best Thing for Christians?
Video games are widely popular throughout our country.  People have become attached to them because they are a fun, entertaining time-filler.  I'm sure you've played a video game before, whether it was on your wii, phone, iPad, X-Box etc.  But, are they really the best things for Christians to do during their leisure time?
Some people play video games for pure entertainment.  But, do the games you play just entertain you or do they actually edify/build you up?  Find uplifting things to enjoy during your free time, not just what seems like the most fun.  Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.”  God created us to do good, productive works.  Are video games really worth the time that we could be using to glorify God?  Remember, everything you do and say will be accounted for in Heaven one day.  In my opinion, it would be really hard to try and explain to the God of the universe why you spent your time on things that don't really matter instead of helping others and serving God.
In 2 Timothy 3:4, Paul wrote that in the end times, people will love things of the world rather than eternal things.  If we are spending too much time a day on video games, that is showcasing the end times.  Instead, we should be a good example to those non-Christians around us who don’t serve God.  We should make God our number one priority.  Proverbs 3:6 says, “In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.”  When we put God first, He will protect us and make us successful in everything we do according to His will.  If putting God first means dropping something in your life like social media or video games, that’s what He wants us to do.  It should not become an idol.

Video games are not bad, but whenever you must choose between good, better, and best, it’s good to choose the best thing.  Remember the saying: 
Good, better, best
Never let it rest.
Until your good is better 
And your better is best.

Choose what honors God and glorifies Him to fill your free time.

Whatever you do this week, remember that God loves you no matter what! 

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