Thursday, January 7, 2016

A New Year, a New Start

Wow.  It’s 2016.  Time really does fly.  It seems like I was just in awe of the fact that it was 2015.  This is the time of year that, where I live, everyone is hoping and praying for snow.  I’m that one lonely person who doesn’t actually want snow this winter.  I’d much rather it be cold without the extra precipitation falling from the sky.

Anyways, there’s one thing that is on the mind of many a person at the start of a new year.  Can you guess what I’m going to say?  New Year’s Resolutions.  The first definition that pops up when you search this is, “a decision to do or stop doing something, made or announced at the New Year, which is traditionally considered a time for a fresh start.”

Some people are for this tradition of making resolutions, while others are against it.  I’m not against it because I think it is good to set goals for yourself for the year (or even for the day), as long as they are goals that will challenge you but are also realistic.

If we want to get somewhere with our life and be successful, but we don’t set goals, how do we expect to move in the direction we want to go in?  Without goals, we would just be ambling through life letting things happen.  Instead, we need to be intentional.  Being intentional means doing things with and for a purpose.  We need to live life with a purpose.  If we aren't intentional now, we may end up somewhere we never thought we would be.

Here’s the main statement for this whole blog post: Your intention determines your direction, and your direction determines your future.

Your intention determines your direction, and your direction determines your future. 

So, I’m going to ask you: what do you intend to do tomorrow?  Yes, I know.  Tomorrow seems like a long time away.  But, we need to plan ahead.  Do you think if a teacher didn’t know what he/she was teaching tomorrow, the class would be very organized?  Or course not.  Do you think you would learn anything?  Probably not.  Do you think if the President of the United States (or the leader of whatever country you live in) didn’t know what he/she was doing tomorrow or even next week, the government would be run very well?  Now, you may not think your life is as important as the president’s, but it’s important to God.

We need to live our life with a purpose.  We need to go through life, setting goals that will lead us in the right direction – closer to our Heavenly Father.  If you start going in this direction now, your future will great and will honor God, all because you decided to follow His direction for your life even in your younger days.

God created you to live with a purpose.  That’s why He made you.  He made you for a purpose.  He didn’t just say, “I’m going to create this person in this specific way. I don’t know why, but it looks interesting.”  Where would we be if God had created us to live our lives for no reason?

But, the Father of the universe (come one, the universe) made you (yes, you!) because He has a plan for your life.  Your life has purpose.  What you do tomorrow, next week, in this new year is all for a purpose.

“For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

God knew His plan for your life before you were even born.  Now, that’s some crazy planning-ahead!  I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel very special and grateful that God already has a plan for my future.  And to top it all off, He’s promised that it’s a good future (Jeremiah 29:11).

So, as Christ-followers, what should our New Year’s resolution be?

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness, into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

According to the verse above, we were created and chosen to honor God and proclaim His name always.  He brought us out of the darkness, and called us to praise Him and follow Him.  That is our calling in life. 

So, my New Year’s resolution is to grow closer to God.  This year, I intend to serve Him and be a light for Him.  He created me for a purpose, and I want to live according to that purpose.  If I plan ahead right now, I will go in the right direction.  And the right direction will lead me to a bright future.  One I want to use to honor God. 

What is your New Year’s resolution?